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Music Beats Cancer Washington
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Music Beats Cancer Washington reviews

Information about Music Beats Cancer Washington

16 reviews

The opinions come from external websites

Last update: 09.06.2022

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Pearla Brown
Thank you for your loyalty to our mission!
Music Beats Cancer - formerly Sound Affects - is trying to do something so great for people and I really appreciate that! why can't a non-profit organization help small companies develop cures for cancer that can help us all? Why not????!!!!
Alan Moore
Music Beats Cancer does amazing work to crowdfund for cancer fighting technologies. They are one of the more innovative charities in the U.S. and I love everything they do!
Michael Brown
Music Beats Cancer evolved from Beats of Laughter and even earlier, a small biotech @MonaJhaveri started up called Foligo Therapeutics that had a promising innovation for ovarian cancer but that unfortunately, withered in what is known as "the Valley of Death" for lack of funding to progress through the full palette of clinical trials from proof of concept. Mona realized this situation represented a huge problem for the vast majority of small, underfunded biotechs who are often assumed to be "rich" because they are "private sector" start-ups. The reality in fact is quite different. Since big pharma (think @Pfizer; @J&J, etc) historically bets on those who have succeeded in going through all the proof of concept stages before they will fund biotech innovations - i.e. have fully derisked big pharma investments by going through the front-end innovation work - the net result is this: many potential cancer innovations for therapeutics, improved devices or even processes, never see the light of day. clearly, this impacts society at large who never receive the fruits of potential innovation that never make it through rigorous and costly FDA review processes. The Music Beats Cancer business model offers small emergent biotechs the opportunity to get non-diluted funding to complement other revenue streams that are key to successful drug (or other ) development in the war on cancer. While some companies like @Moderna eventually succeed and emerge and help solve a crucial global problem in the case of Covid-19, most do not have the wherewithal to make it through the Valley of Death. Hopefully the "grit" that Mona and Music Beats Cancer is demonstrating will lead to outcomes that the U.S. and the entire global community can benefit from through its support of small innovating biotechs who are linking up with musicians who for various reasons, want to amplify the creative work so many still-unknown small biotechs are undertaking, all under the radar. Time to emerge!
French Brazileiro
This organization is such a great initiative to bring together music and biotech worlds! Leveraging artists and music to get funding for innovative biotechs...that's brilliant and efficient. As a Biotech entrepreneur, I significantly value their platform and enjoy working wit the people in charge.
Alejandra Ona
Great organization! It is an innovative way to crowdsource funding for cancer research, add to that the promotion of new artists and musicians, it is a great combination.